• A
    • Add (Ins)[1]
    • ad hoc sell price[1]
    • agent allotment report
      • generating an agent allotment report[1]
      • generating an allotment - daily overview report[1]
    • agent allotments
      • creating an agent allotment[1]
    • air waybills
      • Full AWB screen[1]
    • Allot Flight tab
      • updating allotment space via the Allot Flight tab[1]
    • allotments[1][2]
      • [1][2][3][4][5][6]
      • agent allotment[1]
      • allotment reports[1][2]
      • allotment space[1]
      • deleting an allotment[1]
      • deleting an allotment template[1]
      • loading an allotment template[1]
      • moving awb flight details via the booking list tab[1]
      • moving awb flight details via the booking screen[1]
      • releasing allotments[1][2]
      • station allotments[1]
      • template[1][2][3]
      • updating a released allotment[1]
    • allotment space
      • updating allotment space via the Allot Flight tab[1]
    • allotments screen
      • releasing allotments[1]
    • allotment template
      • deleting an allotment[1]
      • deleting an allotment template[1]
      • loading an allotment template[1]
      • updating allotments[1]
      • updating the allotment template[1]
    • AWB
      • [1]
      • blacklisting[1]
      • sending notification email[1]
    • AWB stocks
  • B
    • booking list tab
      • moving awb flight details via the booking list tab[1]
    • bookings
      • another airline[1]
      • creating[1]
      • creating part shipment[1]
      • part shipment[1]
    • booking screen
      • moving awb flight details via the booking screen[1]
      • releasing allotments[1]
    • buttons
  • C
  • D
    • Delete (Del)[1]
    • delete confirmation switch[1]
  • E
  • F
    • fields
    • Full AWB
      • Full AWB screen[1]
      • navigating to the Full AWB screen[1]
  • G
    • group allotments
      • creating a group allotment[1]
  • I
    • interface elements[1]
  • K
    • keyboard shortcuts[1]
  • L
  • O
  • P
  • Q
    • queries
      • default values[1]
    • Query (F7)[1]
    • quick links
  • R
    • record list
    • records
      • delete confirmation switch[1]
      • editing[1]
      • querying[1]
      • repeating an edit[1]
      • retrieving records from the database[1]
    • releasing allotments
      • releasing allotments via the allotments screen[1]
      • releasing allotments via the booking screen[1]
      • updating a released allotment[1]
  • S
    • sell prices[1]
    • station allotments[1]
      • creating a station allotment[1]
    • stocks
  • T
    • temporary participant[1]
  • U
    • user interface elements[1]