Blacklisting an AWB

In some cases, you may need to blacklist an AWB stock. AWBs can be blacklisted on the HDQ level, Station level, or Agent level. Access to the HDQ Stock tab, Station Stock tab, and Agent Stock tab are determined by the duty codes of the currently logged on user.

  1. Navigate to the AWB Stock screen. Click Master Data > AWB Stock.
  2. Depending on what level you are blacklisting the AWB on, navigate to the appropriate tab.
    • To blacklist AWBs on the HDQ level, navigate to the HDQ Stock tab.
    • To blacklist AWBs on the station level, navigate to the Station Stock tab.
    • To blacklist AWBs on the Agent level, navigate to the Agent Stock tab.
  3. Query the AWB stock record you want to modify.
    1. Click Query (F7) or press F7.
    2. Enter the AWB stock details.
    3. Click OK.
    The AWB stock record is retrieved. If multiple AWB records are retrieved, select the record you want to modify from the Record List.
  4. Click the Black AWB link.
  5. In the Black AWB screen, click Add (Ins).
    1. Enter the Prefix, From Serial, and To Serial of the AWB or AWBs you want to blacklist.
    2. Enter the reason you are blacklisting the AWB in the Remark field.
  6. Click OK.
The AWB stock record is blacklisted. The blacklisted AWBs can no longer be assigned. The AWB stock record also displays the number of blacklisted AWBs in the Black AWB field. If the blacklisted AWB is entered during a booking, Cargospot displays an error message.