Air Waybills

An air waybill (AWB) is a document made out by or on behalf of the shipper which evidences the contract between the shipper and the carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s).

AWB Numbering

Air waybills are identified by 11-digit numbers. The AWB number consists of three parts.
  • The three-digit prefix
  • The seven-digit serial number or "the running number"
  • The last "check digit"

Each airline has been assigned a three-digit number by IATA, which determines the airline's AWB prefix. The check digit is derived by dividing the seven-digit serial number by 7 and then taking the remainder as the Check Digit. This is also referred to as Modulo 7 checking.

Neutral and Airline AWBs

The AWB can be in the form of an:

  • Airline air waybill, with preprinted issuing carrier identification
  • Neutral air waybill, without preprinted identification of the issuing carrier in any form