About AWB Stock: Stock Overview tab

The Stock Overview tab provides options for viewing all the AWBs assigned to particular forwarders, taking back AWB stock, as well as straight booking from a specific AWB of the forwarder. The Stock Overview tab is connected to the Agents Stock tab. If an agent stock record is active in the Agents Stock tab, that agent's stock overview is automatically retrieved in the Stock Overview tab.

Table 1. Stock Overview Tab Elements and Action Buttons
Element Description
Agent Enter the forwarder in this field or retrieve the forwarder from the database by clicking .
Show Stock When clicked, the Used Stock table displays the AWB stock of the forwarder entered in Agent.
Used Stock The Used Stock table displays the AWB stock records of the forwarder. Clicking on an AWB stock row updates the table below the screen, which displays the individual AWBs.
Show Used AWBs This check box toggles the AWB table view. When selected, only used AWBs are displayed.
Take Back Stock Use the Take Back Stock button to return all unused AWBs of an AWB stock highlighted in the Used Stock table.
AWB Clicking the AWB link navigates you to the Full AWB screen. If you highlight a particular AWB record in the AWB table before clicking AWB, you are navigated to the Full AWB screen with that particular AWB record automatically retrieved.
Booking Clicking the Booking link navigates you to the Booking screen. If you highlight a particular AWB record in the AWB table before clicking Booking, you are navigated to the Booking screen with the booking record already populated with the details from that particular AWB record.