Configuring Other/Local Charges

You can set Other or Local Charge parameters in the Other/Local Charges screen. The details entered in this screen are used to calculate other charges due to the agent or due to the carrier, as well as local handling charges.

All OC codes to be used in creating charges need to be set up first in the Other Charges screen. You can do this by clicking the OC Code hyperlink.
  1. Navigate to the Other/Local Charges screen. Click Master Data > Other/Local Charges.
  2. Click Add (Ins) or press Insert.
    The Currency Code and Country Code is automatically populated.
  3. Enter the OC Code.
  4. Define the effectivity period of the charge. The Effective Date is the begin date of the effectivity of the charge record. Optionally, you can also set the end date of the effectivity of the charge record by entering Termination Date. You can select the date from the calendar by clicking beside Effective Date or Termination Date.
  5. Define the Formula applicable for the charge record.
  6. Select the Weight Type from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click OK.
    If you leave out mandatory fields, Cargospot displays the missing fields in red at the bottom part of the screen.
The other or local charge is saved. The charge amounts are calculated and reflected in the Full AWB according to the configuration set up.