Updating the Allotment Template

You can edit an allotment template in the Templates tab of the Allotments screen.

When updating the Allotment Template, only the following fields are editable:
  • Price Code
  • AWB Origin
  • AWB Destination
  • Weight and Volume - Use these fields to manage the Allotment space.
  • Product
  • Contact
  • Remarks General
  • Remarks Specific
  • Until Date - Modifying this field extends the allotment period to a further date to create new allotments. You need to click Build Allotments to create the new allotments. Use Until Date to extend the created allotments to the date set. It should not be used to remove the allotments from Allotment Template.
  • Release hours
  • Do not Auto-Release
  1. Navigate to the Allotments screen. Click Master Data > Allotments.
  2. In the Templates tab, query the master allotment you want to modify, then click Edit F2.
  3. Use the Update From Date field to define the date when the modifications are applicable.
  4. Make the desired modifications.
  5. Click OK.
The allotments are updated and can be viewed in the Allotments tab.