Shipment Reallocation

Booked shipments can be reallocated to a different flight date before or after the release of allotments. When shipments or air waybills are moved from one flight to another, space allocation changes. The available and reserved space for specific flights can be monitored in the Availability tab of the Booking screen.

The following example illustrates how booked shipments can be reallocated.
  • In the Availability tab of Main > Booking screen, allotment exists for flight XS030M 11APR15 LHR-MNL, with total flight capacity of 119,000 kg weight and 370 volume. The booked shipment is displayed as CA with 1,000 kg weight and 10 volume.

  • The booked shipment with AWB number 950-23565656 is moved to 12APR15 flight date in Main > Booking screen.

  • CA booking is reallocated and moved to 12APR15 flight date. Updated allocation information can be viewed in the Availability tab of Main > Booking screen.

  • When the booking is created against the allotment, the Uplift Weight and Uplift Volume are automatically updated for the 12APR15 flight in the Allotment tab of Main > Booking screen.

Shipments or air waybills can be moved to a different flight date via the Booking screen or the Booking List tab.