Updating Allotment Space via the Allot Flight Tab

You can update the space allocation for specific allotments by increasing or decreasing the weight or volume. Space allocation can be updated in the Allot Flight tab of the Booking screen.

Space allocation can only be updated in the Allot Flight tab if the allotment is still "unreleased".
  1. Search for the flight of the allotment you want to update in the Availability tab of the Main > Booking screen.
    1. In the Availability tab, enter the flight details, then click Show Flights.
    2. Select the flight record. The allotment is displayed on the right.
  2. Select the allotment name.
  3. Click the Allot Flight tab.
    The allotment Weight/Volume and Agree Wt/Agree Vol are displayed in the table.
  4. Update the weight or volume of the allotment.
    1. Enter the Weight/Volume to be added or subtracted. For example, 200 kg weight and 10 volume.

    2. Click the + button to add or click the - button to subtract the entered Weight/Volume.
      The Weight or Volume cannot be less than the Uplift Weight or the Uplift Volume. You can only increase the Weight or Volume within the Flight Capacity. When subtracting to the Weight/Volume value, the value cannot be less than the Uplift Weight/Volume. When adding to the Weight/Volume value, the value cannot be greater than the Flight Weight/Volume.
    The New Wt and New Vol are displayed. For example, 700 kg weight and 15 volume.

  5. Click Commit.
    The Weight and Volume values are updated. For example, 700 kg weight and 15 volume.

The allotment space is updated.