About Ad Hoc Prices Screen: Details Tab

Deal rates are entered in the Price screen. Depending on your system configuration the Price screen appears either as Prices KG if your units are in kilograms or Prices LB if your units are in pounds.

Table 1. Prices Screen: Details Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Area The sales area where the price applies. Prices are only visible to operators assigned to this particular area. The sales area set in the price record needs to match the price record used in the AWB to be priced. You can retrieve available area codes from the database by clicking . Clicking Area navigates you to the Areas screen where you can create new area codes or make modifications to existing area codes.
Note: You need the appropriate duty codes to make modifications to area codes.
Currency Code The ISO three-letter currency code of the currency used in the AWB. You can click to retrieve available currency codes from the database.
Sequence The sequence number of the price record.
Verified The Verified check box is selected when the price record has already been verified. Users with appropriate duty codes can verify the price record by clicking V beside the Verified check box.
Issue Carrier The carrier code for which the price record is applicable.
Note: If the price entered is a buying rate (for GSA), the word BUY is displayed beside the Issue Carrier field.
Carrier List The carrier list code which the price record is applicable.
Note: If the price entered is a buying rate (for GSA), the word BUY is displayed beside the Issue Carrier field.
Product Product codes are used to differentiate cargo products. You can retrieve available product codes from the database by clicking . Clicking Product navigates you to Product screen where you can create new product codes or make modifications to existing product codes.
Note: You need the appropriate duty codes to make modifications to product codes.
The product code needs to be entered best at the time of booking or at the latest, during Full AWB data capture to allow the system to make the automatic deal calculation. For example, if a booking is made for an X-Presso type of shipment, the system rates the consignment at the regular matching rate if the product code is not entered.
Note: Selecting the All () check box applies the rate to all Products.
Status The current status of the price record. Depending on the code, there might be restrictions on the usage of the price record. The status can be Canceled which indicates that the price is still in the system but is no longer valid.
AWB/Reference When creating quotations for forwarders, you can click the Reference button to create a reference number for the quotation for future use.
Agent Use this field to limit a deal for a specific agent. You can retrieve available agent codes from the database by clicking .
Shipper/Cnee Use this field to limit a deal for a specific Shipper or Consignee. You can retrieve available Shipper or Consignee codes from the database by clicking .
Origin/Zone These are two fields used to define the airport of departure or the airport zone of departure where this price record is applicable. The field on the left is for the origin airport while the field on the right is for the origin zone.
You can combine several origin airports by using the origin zone.
Note: For Ad Hoc deals, the price record is specific to an AWB. The Zone field is not used in Ad Hoc price records.
Destination/Zone These are two fields used to define the destination airport or the destination airport zone where this price record is applicable. The field on the left is for the destination airport while the field on the right is for the destination zone.
You can combine several destination airports by using the destination zone.
Note: For Ad Hoc deals, the price record is specific to an AWB. The Zone field is not used in Ad Hoc price records.
  Select either Prepaid or Collect from the drop-down list. Prices are either applicable for Prepaid or Collect shipments. The default setting of this field is Prepaid because collect shipments are rated according to the IATA Tariff. Collect shipments are automatically excluded in this way.

When left blank, the price code is applicable to both prepaid and collect shipments.

  Select either Gross Weight or Charge Weight from the drop-down list.
Price Type Select the Price Type or price template from the drop-down list. The Price Type selected determines the columns in the Weight Break table. Price templates are created in Pricing > Global > Price Templates.
Sale/Premium Use this field to indicate special promotional rates (Sale) or to indicate an increased rate that is applicable (Premium). These rate types have to be limited to a certain date period and overrule the current prices. This is important for Premium rates as the system normally searches for the cheapest available rate. In case such a premium rate is available, this rate will be taken instead.
All-In Rate Select this check box if the price record is inclusive of all other charges.
No Interline When selected, the IATA rate is used if no sell price rate was found in the system when a transit sector is involved.
Price overrides IATA Calc on AWB When selected, the net rate calculation will override the gross IATA figures in the AWB IATA rate line.
Effective Date The begin date of the effectivity of the price record. You can select the date from the calendar by clicking . You can also use this field to query price records that are still valid on the entered date.
Termination Date The end date of the effectivity of the price record. You can select the date from the calendar by clicking .
ULD Type You need to enter the ULD Type when creating ULD-specific price records. You can retrieve available ULD Types from the database by clicking .
Price Class The Price Class field can be used for various net pricing levels. This field is an alternative, or an additional pricing level differentiation that can be used in conjunction with Service Level or the Price Type field.

Clicking Price Class navigates you to the Price Class screen where you can create or modify price classes in the system.

Carrier Ref. This optional field stores the carrier-specific reference number for the price record. The reference number can then be used in sales reports.
Transit Point Use this field to limit a deal for a certain transit point. The transit point entered in this field has to be part of the routing for the deal to be valid.

You can retrieve available transit points from the database by clicking .

Transit Carrier Use this field to limit a deal for a certain carrier. The carrier entered in this field has to be part of the routing for the deal to be valid.

You can retrieve available carriers from the database by clicking .

Allotment Code Use this field to limit the deal for a specific allotment record.

You can retrieve available allotment codes from the database by clicking .

Routing Use this field to limit a deal to a specific routing. The Routing field should be used in cases where the specified Transit Point and Transit Carrier still result in two or more matching price records.
  • Full Routing
  • Partial Routing
    • Routing with a specific start:

      SINXS/HKG/ or SINXS/

    • Routing into and out of a transit station:

      XS/HKGXH/ - This specifies that the incoming carrier into HKG is XS while the outgoing carrier from HKG is XH.

    • Routing out of a station:

      /HKGXS/ - This specifies that the outgoing carrier from HKG is XS.

Note: During entry in the Routing field, Cargospot only checks for the data format. Cargospot does not check if the entered routing matches the Origin/Destination or not. You need to ensure that the routing is entered correctly. During Verification against Threshold, Adhoc Price records are only matched against those Threshold records with matching values in the Transit Carrier, Transit Point, and the Routing fields.
Flight Group Use this field to limit a deal to different type of flights, such as Freighter deals or RFS deals.

You can retrieve available flight groups from the database by clicking .

Clicking Flight Group navigates you to the Flight Group screen where you can create or modify price classes in the system.

Day of Week Use this field to limit a deal to a certain day of the week. For example, the Day of Week can be any of the following:
  • blank or 1234567 - applicable every day
  • 1357 - applicable Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays
  • 4 - applicable only on Thursdays
SHC Inc and Ex Clicking on SHC Inc or Ex opens the Special Handling Code Include/Exclude window. The check boxes are automatically selected depending on included or excluded SHCs.

It is not possible to directly select or deselect the SHC Inc or Ex check boxes.

A selected check box indicates that the Price is defined to Include or Exclude one or more special handling codes. The details can be viewed and updated in the SHC In/Ex window.

Selecting the All Include Codes Must Be Present check box applies the rate to an AWB having the same Special Handling Codes as the price record. If the check box is not selected, the rate can still be applied to an AWB, given that the AWB and price record have at least one similar Special Handling Code.

Weight Break Table Use this table to enter the various prices, such as per weight break, ULD pivot, pieces, and so on. The columns of this table is dependent on the Price Type.
Contact Enter the details of the contact person.
Priority There are instances when several prices match. The system selects the price record with the highest Priority. Use this field to assign the priority of a price record. Higher number means higher priority.

If there are still multiple matches after selecting the prices with highest priorities, the system selects the cheapest price.

Priority can be any of the following:
  • 1 - Premium
  • 2 - Transit Airport
  • 2 - Transit Airline
  • 8 - routing is filled
  • 32 - Flight Group
  • 64 - Price Group (unless [price] samePriorityToStreet=Y)
  • 128 - Agent Code (unless [price] samePriorityToStreet=Y)
  • 256 - ULD type that is not L3 or 8
  • 512 - Price Class
  • 512 - Allotment Code
Remarks Internal Use this field to enter internal remarks that are not printed on the price sheet.
Remarks External Use this field to enter remarks that need to be printed on the price sheet.