
The Prices, Ad-Hocs, and Prices Threshold screens contain all relevant parameters for a particular price record. Depending on your system configuration, the screens appear as Prices KG, Ad-Hocs KG, and Prices Threshold KG if your units are in kilograms. If your units are in pounds, the screens appear as Prices LB, Ad-Hocs LB, and Prices Threshold LB.

Figure: Prices Screen (Pricing > Sell Prices)

The following are the types of prices that can be created in Cargospot:
  • Sell Prices or Market Rates
  • Contract Rates
  • Adhoc Rates
  • Threshold Rate

Sell Prices are applicable for all clients. Sell Prices or Market Rates are created in the Prices screen with a Price Group code STREET.

Contract Rates are specifically applicable for forwarders and are also created in the Prices screen by entering the Agent Code in the Agent field.

Figure: Ad-Hocs Screen (Pricing > Sell Ad-Hocs)

Spot Rates or Ad Hoc Rates are given to agents for a limited time frame. An Ad Hoc Rate can be given before (Quotation) or during the time of booking. Ad Hoc Rates are created in the Ad-Hocs screen with a Price Type code ADHOC.

Once an Ad Hoc rate is verified, it is applied to a shipment that satisfies the conditions specified in the rate. A notification email is sent to the station manager upon verification of the rate. The ad hoc notice can be set in the Parameters tab of the Station Setting screen.

Figure: Prices Threshold Screen (Pricing > Threshold Prices)

Threshold or Base Price records are set to define a minimum price level based on HDQs. Threshold Prices are calculated during the pricing of the AWB. Threshold Prices are created in the Prices Threshold screen.