Associating Forwarders to a Price Group

There are instances when you need to associate a group of forwarders with the same rate agreements to a price group. Associating forwards to a price group reduces the amount of price records to be created.

You need to create a Price Group record before you can manually associate it to a forwarder. The price group code needs to be entered in the agent's record to be active for pricing purposes.
  1. Navigate to the Customer Price Groups screen. You can do this by clicking Pricing > Customer Price Groups.
  2. Click Add (Ins).
  3. Enter the mandatory details in the corresponding fields.
    Field Description
    Area Enter the sales Area of the agent. Specifically for a particular shipment. By default, the Area field is automatically populated according to the station of the currently logged on user.
    Price Group Enter the Price Group or deal code for the particular agent or forwarder.
    Agent Enter the Agent code that needs to be associated to the Price Group.
    Effective Date Enter the date from which this record will be effective.
  4. Click OK.
The forwarder is now associated to a price group.