Creating a Location Add-on Rate

You can create an add-on rate according to location or zone in the Location Add-on screen. Add-on rates are applicable for regular origin and destination prices.

You need to create a zone code record before you can manually associate it to a location add-on rate. For more information on Zone Codes and Airport Zones, refer to the Working with Airport Zones section of the Cargospot Administration Guide.
  1. Navigate to the Location Add-on screen. You can do this by clicking Pricing > Location Add-on.
  2. Click Add (Ins).
  3. Enter the mandatory details in the corresponding fields.
    Field Description
    For Carrier Enter the carrier code for which the location add-on is applicable.
    Zone Code Enter the Zone Code that you want to associate to the add-on rate. The zone code combines several destinations to one Destination Zone.
    Airport Code Enter the Airport Code for which the add-on rate is applicable.
    Note: If left blank, the location add-on rate becomes the default rate for all airports associated to the zone code.
    Effective Date Enter the date from which the add-on will be effective.
    Add-on Rate Enter the rate per unit of weight in the Add-on Rate field to indicate the add-on for a specific airport.
    Add-on Minimum

    Enter the fixed add-on amount in the Add-on Minimum field. The value entered here is applicable whenever the shipment is rated on a minimum charge. The minimum charge will be increased by the entered amount.

    Currency Code

    Enter the Currency Code of the add-on rate. The add-on will only be applicable if the AWB currency matches the code entered in this field.

  4. Click OK.
The Add-on rate is created.
You can manually associate the add-on rate to a price record by entering the zone code for that add-on in the Prices screen.