Repricing Air Waybills

There are instances when you need to reprice air waybills if Sell Prices change. Air waybills can be repriced in the Re-price AWBs tab.

  1. Navigate to the Sell Price (Prices) screen. You can do this by clicking Pricing > Sell Prices.
  2. In the Details tab, click Query.
  3. Click OK and navigate to the Re-price AWBs tab.
  4. Enter the details of the AWB that needs to be recalculated.
    Field Description
    From Date and Until Date Enter the date range of the AWB in the From Date and Until Date fields. The date range refers to the accounting date of the AWB.
    Flight Date for Re-price

    Select the Flight Date for Re-price check box to recalculate and reprice AWBs according to flight date.

    Agent Enter the agent code for which a price adjustment is applicable.
    If the first seven digits of the agent code are entered, the price adjustment is applied to all the agent branches of that code.
    Note: This condition is applicable for clients that use the agent IATA code.
    Area Enter the sales region for which a price adjustment is applicable. When this field is populated, the price adjustment is applied to AWBs of agents in the same sales area.
    Note: This option can be selected instead of the Agent Code.
  5. Click Recalculate AWB Prices.
The AWB prices are recalculated and repriced. The old and new amounts are shown in the grid.
You can verify the repriced AWB record in the Full AWB screen. Double-clicking the AWB in the grid navigates you to the Full AWB screen. If there are multiple AWBs displayed in the grid, you can click the Show all AWBs button to view the Full AWB details.