Managing ULD Type Add-on Records

You can create and edit ULD Type Add-on records to add percentage-based calculation based on specific ULD Type rates in Pricing > Global > ULD Type Add-on.

Creating these records reduces the amount of price records to be entered for different Unit Load Devices (ULDs).

  1. Navigate to the ULD Type Add-on screen. You can do this by clicking Pricing > Global > ULD Type Add-on.
  2. Click Add (Ins) to create a new record. To edit an existing record, query the record you want to modify then click Edit (F2).
  3. Complete the following:
    Field Description
    For Carrier

    IATA two or three-letter carrier code for which the ULD Add-On is applicable.

    You can look up the available carrier codes from the database by clicking , and entering search data in one or more of the fields presented. Select the code from the list then click Retrieve to enter the code into the field.

    Origin Country Code

    Two-letter ISO Country code of the AWB origin country from which the ULD Add-On is applicable.

    You can look up the available country codes from the database by clicking , and entering search data in one or more of the fields presented. Select the code from the list then click Retrieve to enter the code into the field.

    Destination Country Code

    Two-letter ISO Country code of the AWB destination.

    You can look up the available country codes from the database by clicking , and entering search data in one or more of the fields presented. Select the code from the list then click Retrieve to enter the code into the field.

    ULD Type

    ULD Type for which the Add-On is applicable.

    You can look up the available ULD Type codes from the database by clicking , and entering search data in one or more of the fields presented. Select the code from the list then click Retrieve to enter the code into the field.

    Effective Date

    The date from which this record will become effective.

    In case of query, this field can be used to show only rates that are still valid on the particular date entered.

    Termination Date The date when the ULD Type add-on is no longer applicable. The system is not going to use the record after the date specified.
    Add-on Percentage

    The ULD add-on percentage that should apply to the rate calculation between the origin and destination and for the ULD type entered in the AWB.

  4. Click OK.
The ULD Type Add-on record is saved.