Price Templates

Price templates are created and maintained in Pricing > Global > Price Templates.

Created Price templates can be selected in the Price Type drop-down list in the Sell Prices screen, which then determines the columns displayed in the weight break table.

During the creation of a price template, you can set the following:
  • KG/LB - The unit of weight to be used.
  • Price Template Code - The code that appears in the Price Type drop-down list. You can limit the record to a specific area by appending /{area code} to the Price Template Code. For example, BULK/FRA.
  • Description - A description of the price template.
Use the table to define the weight break lines.
Column Description
Weight Break/Line No. The weight break or line number.
Type Calc

Rate class code used for the selling rate. One of the following codes is possible:

  • M - Minimum/Basic Charge
  • N - Net Rate per KG
  • I - Incremental Rate. Used in conjunction with a Basic Charge
  • U - ULD calculation
  • W - Pivot weight for ULD
  • S - Super commission (Additional percentage discount on top of the IATA commission)
  • C - Net Charge per piece
  • P - Net Charge per piece in combination with weight breaks
  • X - Exclude. No deal available so IATA is used instead
  • V - Minimum weight (weight break is set to zero)
  • Y - Maximum weight (weight break is set to 99999)
  • R - Percentage off STREET rates
Column Title The column title to display in the weight break table in the Sell Price screen.


  • Bulk template

  • ULD template

  • Carrier's express product template

  • Zone rate template