Creating a Station Allotment Group Code

You need to create a Station Allotment Group code for group allotments.

  1. Navigate to the Combo Codes All screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Others > Combo Codes All.
  2. Click Add (Ins) or press Insert.
  3. Complete the following fields.
    1. In the Type drop-down list, select Station Allotment Group.
    2. Enter the desired Allotment Group Code in Code.
  4. Click OK.
The Station Allotment Group Code is created and can be selected in the Allotment Group drop-down list of the Station tab of the Station Setting screen.
Set this Station Allotment Group Code as the Allotment Group of each station record of the stations you want included in the Station Allotment Group. The created Station Allotment Group Code is then entered in the To Station:/Group field of the Template tab of Master Data > Allotments to create a Group Allotment.