Space Utilization for Stations: Group Allotments

Some carriers may want to control the space utilization by the stations for free sales. In such instances, the carrier can configure Cargospot so that space reserved for the Agent is for CA bookings, but for space reserved for Station and Group Station bookings, is for free sales bookings. When this feature is enabled, the Flight Capacity at the stations within the Station Group is replaced by the space reserved for that group allocation.

This functionality is configured by the [awb] availStation parameter in the program.ini.

The following scenario illustrates this functionality.
  • Stations LGW and MAN as part of a Station Group, MNTESTGRP.
  • Allotment LHRMNLGRP of 10,000 kg weight and 100 volume for MNTESTGRP.

    In the following screen capture, a user from the LHR station views the flight capacity in the Availability tab of Main > Booking screen. The LHR user sees the available flight capacity of 110,000 kg which 120,000 kg (Total) minus the 10,000 kg allotted to LHRMNLGRP.

    The following screen capture displays the view of users from the LGW or MAN station when checking the flight capacity in the Availability tab of Main > Booking screen. Since [awb] availStation=Y, LGW and MAN station users sees the space allotted to their station group, which is 10,000 kg and 100 volume as the total flight capacity.

    Important: Space utilization by the stations or station groups for free sales is not the default behavior. When [awb] availStation is set to N, the flight capacity is as is and not limited to the allotment for the station group. When [awb] availStation is set to N, LGW and MAN users view the flight capacity the same as the LHR user.