Editing a Flight Record

All flights in the system can be viewed and modified in either the Flights tab of Master Data > Flight Schedule screen or Flight Export tab of Main > Booking screen. This includes flights built from a schedule which was created by any means as well as individual (ad hoc) flights added to the system.

When a schedule is created, individual flight records are also created. All existing flights in a schedule can be viewed by initially querying the flight number in the Flight Schedule tab and then navigating to the Flights tab. When a particular operating period or schedule is active in the Flight Schedule tab, all individual flight records built from that schedule are displayed in the Record List upon navigation to the Flights tab.

You can also query a specific flight record from the Flight tab directly. When there is no active flight schedule in the Flight Schedule tab, a query in the Flights tab displays all the individual flight records found in the system.

An ad hoc or stand-alone flight has no parent schedule and can only be viewed or edited directly from the Flights tab of Master Data > Flight Schedule screen or Flight Export tab of Main > Booking screen.

  1. Query the flight record you want to update in the Flights tab of Master Data > Flight Schedule screen or Flight Export tab of Main > Booking screen. At minimum, the Flight Number is used to search, but other filter options such as Carrier or From Date may also be entered to expedite the search. You can use the following fields to refine the search criteria.
    • Until Date
    • Org/Dest
    • Query Departed
    • Query Arrival
  2. Click Edit (F2) then update the flight record details as needed. Note that the following fields cannot be amended in any flight record.
    • Flight Date
    • Carrier Code
    • Flight Number
  3. Click OK.
The flight record is updated. Changes made to a flight record does not affect the master flight schedule when the flight is linked to a schedule.