Updating a Flight Schedule Manually

Existing flight schedules may need to be amended if operational changes occur once the schedule has commenced.

Changes could be for several reasons. The most common would be change to aircraft type or a change to the flight timings. Other changes such as change to routing or schedule cancellation can also happen, meaning the change needs to be reflected in the schedule to keep the information accurate. There may also be business reasons for changing the details in a flight schedule such as reduction in weight and volume for cargo due to seasonal high demand of passengers and their baggage.

  1. Navigate to the Flight Schedule screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Flight Schedule.
  2. In the Flight Schedule tab, Query the flight schedule you want to update. It is common to use the Flight Number when searching for flight schedules, but other filter options such as Carrier or From Date may also be entered to expedite the search.
  3. Select the flight schedule you want to update from the Record List, then click Edit (F2).
  4. Modify the flight schedule as necessary.
    1. Use the Update Existing Flights From field to update the record from any date within the schedule period. The current or a future date is usually entered as it is not expected that the change is made retrospectively.
    2. It is recommended to use Tab when modifying the fields. For example, upon modifying the Aircraft Type field then 'tabbing' out, all capacity values relating to the old aircraft type are replaced by those of the new aircraft type.
  5. Click OK.
Once the update has been made, the Record List refreshes and will now show only two schedule periods for this flight number. These are again displayed in chronological order. The second period covers the date range for when the amendment applies.

The first is for the period which was not changed by the update but has now a new end date, which is immediately before the start of the second period as schedule periods cannot overlap.

There is no requirement for a user to perform the Build This Flight action again.