About Flight Schedule: Flight Schedule Tab

The master record for a particular set of flights is created in the Flight Schedule tab for an operating period. Flight schedules created from Standard Schedules Information message (SSIM) and Standard Schedules Message (SSM) can also be viewed in the Flight Schedule tab.

Table 1. Flight Schedule Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Carrier The airline code of the flight number.
Operated By For information purposes. For example, in case of a code share service. This field is optional.
For Airport By default, only the own station airport flights are displayed when querying for flight schedules. Use the For Airport field to query other stations.
Flight Number

The flight number of a particular flight. For example, 1234A. Flight numbers less than three digits are usually given leading zeroes. For example 12 will be created as 012.

From Date The start date of the schedule.
Day of Week The day of the week when the flight is scheduled to operate. It can be any of the following values:
  • 1 = Monday
  • 2 = Tuesday
  • 3 = Wednesday
  • 4 = Thursday
  • 5 = Friday
  • 6 = Saturday
  • 7 = Sunday

For example, for a daily flight schedule, enter 1234567.

Until Date The end date of the schedule.
Aircraft Type The Aircraft Type is created in Master Data > Others > Aircraft Type, with default weight and volume capacity values. This field is usually automatically populated but can be edited during flight schedule creation. This field is mandatory.
Category The Category is automatically populated from the aircraft type record. This field is mandatory and can be any of the following:
  • Passenger
  • Freighter
  • Truck
Service Type The IATA service type of the flight, for example, F for Freighter, or T for Truck. The full list of service types can be found in the IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM). This field is optional.
Truck Type Use the Truck Type field to identify the truck operator. This field is optional, but in some cases it can be considered mandatory if the schedule is being operated with an aircraft type Road Feeder Service (RFS).
Free Sale Weight Maximum weight for which any booking will receive an automatic confirmation (status KK) even if the flight is otherwise full. The value generally indicates a relatively low amount, for example, 20kg so as to accommodate small shipments that are very profitable, and therefore should not be rejected even when capacity is reached. This field is optional.
Free Sale Volume

The maximum volume for which any booking will receive an automatic confirmation (status KK) even if the flight is otherwise full. The value generally indicates a relatively low amount, for example, 20cm so as to accommodate small shipments that are very profitable, and therefore should not be rejected even when capacity is reached. This field is optional.

Allow KK Selecting the Allow KK check box overrides the restriction on the flight number only. Any user with NO_KK code can receive automatic confirmation (status KK) on that flight, given other capacity restrictions in place. This field is optional.
Overbook Weight Maximum amount of weight by which a flight may be overbooked. Bookings within the amount entered in the Overbook Weight field will receive an automatic confirmation until the combined weight of bookings reaches the overbooking limit. This field is optional.
Overbook Volume Maximum amount of volume by which a flight may be overbooked. Bookings within the amount entered in the Overbook Volume field will receive an automatic confirmation until the combined volume of bookings reaches the overbooking limit. This field is optional.
Max Sale % In addition to fixed weight or volume amounts, it is possible to set overbooking limits according to maximum percentage. Any booking made between 100 percent (which represents the default capacity) and the percentage entered in this field will be handled according to the weight and volume limitations set in the Overbooking Weight and Overweight Volume fields. This field is optional.
FFR Weight A booking made via Cargoweb or other cargo booking portal, or by another airline by means of the Booking Message (FFR) will get an automatic confirmation provided the weight is within the amount entered in the FFR Weight. This field is optional.
FFR Volume A booking made via Cargoweb or other cargo booking portal, or by another airline by means of the Booking Message (FFR) will get an automatic confirmation provided the volume is within the amount entered in the FFR Volume. This field is optional.
FFR Max Sale % In addition to fixed weight and volume amount, it is also possible to set FFR limits as a maximum percentage. Any booking made between 100 percent and the percentage entered in the FFR Max Sale % field will be handled according to the weight and volume limitations set in the FFR Weight and Volume fields. This field is optional.
Buy Flat Rate The Buy Flat Rate field is related to trucking services. Use this field to set a flat rate for a truck service which will be applied to each AWB booked on that truck. This field is optional.

The currency of the value in Buy Flat Rate. This field is optional.

ULD Info Use the ULD Info field to enter free text remarks or additional ULD information. The information entered in this field are printed on the manifest. This field is optional.
Remark Enter additional information in the Remark field. The information entered will not be printed anywhere. This field is optional.
Build Days By default, flights are automatically built in the system within 21 days. Depending on the system's configuration, you can use the Build Days field to specify the number of days before the actual creation of flights. This field is optional.
Schedule Flight Leg Table

Enter the flight legs in the Schedule Flight Leg table. The table contains the following flight details:

  • Origin
  • Dest
  • Departure
  • Dep. +Days
  • Arrival
  • Arr. +Days
  • Weight
  • Volume
  • Positions
  • Block
  • Yield Kg
  • Aircraft Type
The Origin and Destination should be valid IATA three-letter airport codes. If the flight has more than one sector, each sector with its corresponding time should be entered on each line. Departure and Arrival time are always entered in local time. Enter the Dep. + Days and Arr. + Days to specify if any of the movement times occur in a day, other than the departure date from the first airport in the routing. Here is an example of a flight schedule with two sectors. The flight times of the second sector is the following day.

Click Split Period to create a new schedule or date range to an existing schedule in the system. A split period can be created if the new schedule is within the date range of the existing schedule period.

Click Build This Flight to create a flight for a specific schedule.

Click Build All Flights to create flights for multiple schedules existing in the system.