Flight Schedules

Flight schedules form the cornerstone of the Cargospot Airline module and are usually one of the first things a customer will enter into the system. Flight records are required before making bookings and conducting business. The creation of flight schedules is vital to all users.

Flight schedules are entered in the system in multiple ways:
  • Created manually on Master Data > Flight Schedule
  • Uploaded in bulk using Standard Schedules Information message (SSIM)
  • Uploaded individually using Standard Schedules Message (SSM)

A flight schedule is entered for an operating period, typically twice a year with each airline's winter schedule and summer schedule. The flight schedule covers the time period and serves as the master record where individual flight records are created.

Flight schedules can be entered in Cargospot up to one year ahead of the start date. They can also be entered as late as the actual start date itself although most users would create them at least a month in advance.

When flight schedules have been created, the individual flights within that schedule will also need to be created.

Individual flights can exist either as a result of schedule creation or as stand-alone records without a master schedule.

As well as providing information about routes flown and the flight times, the flight records also contain details of weight and volume available for cargo. Such information is essential for capacity control and in providing accurate availability information for the user to determine whether or not a cargo booking can be confirmed.