Creating a Split Period

In some cases, you may need to split a schedule to create new schedule periods. A schedule can be split into several periods within the start and end date of the flight schedule.

  1. Navigate to the Flight Schedule screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Flight Schedule.
  2. In the Flight Schedule tab, Query the flight schedule you want to split. It is common to use the Flight Number when searching for flight schedules, but other filter options such as Carrier or From Date may also be entered to expedite the search.
  3. Click Split Period.
  4. In the Split Operating Period pop-up window, enter the new period or date range. The new date range should be within the existing flight schedule. In this example, From Date is 24DEC15 and Until Date is 25DEC15.

  5. Click OK.
The schedule is split and the new periods are created.