Creating a Flight Record

You can create individual flight records either in the Flights tab of Master Data > Flight Schedule screen or Flight Export tab of Main > Booking screen.

Although there are variations in the fields on each screen, the mandatory data is the same on both.

  1. Navigate to either of the following tabs, then click Add (Ins).
    • Flights tab of Master Data > Flight Schedule screen
    • Flight Export tab of Main > Booking screen
  2. Complete the following fields.
    Field Description

    Flight Date

    Enter the date of departure from the origin airport.
    Carrier Code Enter the carrier code of the Carrier. The carrier code is taken Master Data > Carriers.
    Flight Number Enter the flight number of a particular flight. For example, 1234A. Flight numbers less than three digits are usually given leading zeroes. For example, 12 will be created as 012.
    Aircraft Type Enter the Aircraft Type. The Aircraft Type is created in Master Data > Others > Aircraft Type, with default weight and volume capacity values. Other optional capacity values may also exist within the aircraft type record which will also auto-populate if present. All capacity values stored against the aircraft type record are editable during flight schedule creation. Similarly if values are not present they may be entered at this time.
    Category The Category is automatically populated from the aircraft type record. This field is can be any of the following:
    • Passenger
    • Freighter
    • Truck
  3. Note:

    Origin and Destination need to be valid IATA three letter airport codes. If the flight has more than one sector, then each sector with times need to be entered on each line. Dep. Time and Arr. Time are always entered in LOCAL times as they are at each airport.

    Use the Dep. +Days and Arr. +Days columns to specify if any of the movement times occur on a day other than the departure date from the first airport in the routing.

    The Weight and Volume are populated according to the values set in the aircraft type.

    Enter the flight legs in the Schedule Flight Leg grid.
    In the following example, a flight with three sectors with the day change specified on flight movements after midnight on the day of departure from origin.

  4. Complete the other fields as needed.
  5. Click OK.