Creating Duplicate Price Records

There are instances when you need to create duplicates of existing price records in bulk.

The Global Changes tab affects all the records currently available in the Record List pane.
  1. Query the price records that need a duplicate.
    The price records are displayed in the Record List pane.
    Note: If you want to remove a record from the Record List, select the record, right-click and select Remove from list (Shift+Del). You can also press Shift + Delete to remove the record from the current list.
  2. Click the Global Changes tab.
  3. Enter the Effective Date and Termination Date for the new prices. If the Termination Date is not set, select the Set Termination Date in current Prices check box.
  4. Click Duplicate all prices.
  5. In the confirmation window, click OK.
The duplicates of the price records are created.