SSM CNL sub-types are processed by the system to cancel all or part of an existing schedule. If the schedule is already in operation, only future dates within the schedule are canceled. Cancellation of a schedule completely removes the record from the system. If flights exist within the schedule, then these remain visible but updated with status Cancelled. Flights not yet existing from the schedule, for example, if the start date is ahead, are not created in the system. A schedule should only be canceled if it is certain that it is no longer in operation. Cancellation of individual flights should be done on the flight level, which does not affect the schedule.

The following scenarios illustrate this functionality.

  • First scenario: this schedule is already in operation

    An SSM CNL is received to cancel part of the schedule on future dates.

    The updated schedule is displayed below. The period before the application of the change is unaffected.

    The period after the changes were applied has been split and now shows without any flights on day of week 1.

    In the Flights tab, the flights which should have operated on the dates on which the schedule was canceled, still remain but now show as X-Cancel. This is the 02NOV15 flight.

    At this time, flights have only been created until 12NOV15 which is the limit of the build flights days. The flights of 16NOV15, 23NOV15, and 30NOV15 cannot be canceled since these flights no longer exist. However, flights on the days when the schedule period is still valid will be created on a daily basis.

  • Second scenario: this schedule is also in operation

    An SSM CNL is received to cancel the entire schedule from the date specified.

    The end date of the schedule has been amended to show the date before the SSM CNL applies.

    All the flights which existed after the date the SSM CNL applies now have X-Cancel or canceled status. No further flights will be created as the schedule no longer exists at all.