Booking Time Limit
The Booking Time Limit (BTL) feature is an adjustable time limit that defines when a booking retains its Confirmed (KK) status. If the booking record does not have the Received from Shipper (RCS) status within the Booking Time Limit, the booking will be released and automatically have the No-Show (NS) status.
To use the fields that define the time limits of when a booking will be released and/or blocked for modification can be accessed in the Latest tab. You can navigate to the tab by clicking from the menu.
The Book Release Hours field contains the default number of hours before the Scheduled Time of Departure (STD), which Cargospot will refer to in releasing a booking.
The AWB Blocked Hours field contains the duration in which an Air Waybill (AWB) will be locked from having any changes or modifications. This occurs from the time the Book Release Hours is effective.
For example, If a flight departs at 18:00, and the Book Release Hours is set to 4 hours, the booking will have a No-Show or NS Allocation status, should it not have the Received from shipper or RCS status by 14:00. If the AWB Blocked Hours is set to 6 hours, the air waybill will not have any changes until 20:00.
Exclude a Booking from Booking Time Limit Release
- SHC - If the SHC value entered in the booking has the
Excl Booking Release checked, the Excl Book
Release is automatically selected in the Booking or
Current Booking screen.
- Product - If the Product value entered in the booking has
Excl Booking Release checked in this screen, the
Excl Book Release is automatically selected in the
Booking or Current Booking screen.
- Booking / Current Booking - If the
Excl Booking Release is selected in this screen, the booking
will be exempted from BTL release.
Setting up the Scheduler Batch Job
- Book Release Hours Lock AWB Scheduler Task - This releases and locks bookings based on Book Release Hours and AWB blocked Hours definition in the Latest screen setting.
- Book Release Hours Unlock AWB Scheduler Task - This task unlocks the booking once the AWB Blocked Hours has exceeded.
- Book Release Hours Rerate AWB Task - This task re-rates the AWB price records based on the ProductRCSStatus definition.
Releasing and Locking of AWB
- The BTL only applies to Free Sale bookings.
- A booking that has not been updated with a status of Consignment received from the shipper or agent (FSU/RCS) message after the Book Release Limit has been reached will have the Allocation status changed to No-Show or NS.
- Once a booking is locked based on the AWB Blocked Hours definition, a user will only be allowed to view the booking within the defined time frame.
- If the Excl Booking Release is checked in either the
Booking or Current Booking screen, a
Product ID is mandatory.
Bookings will be exempted from BTL release under the following conditions:
- Bookings with the Allocation status CA (Allotment).
- Bookings with a designated Special Handling Code (SHC) or Product Code that has Excl Booking Release checked.
- Bookings with Excl Booking Release on the Booking screen checked.
Re-rating Process
The ProductRCSStatus table manages the Release from Shipper (RCS) time setting and equivalent rates for each Product Code. Product types must first be configured in the application with the Exclude Book Release option enabled.