Generating Load Advice

All booked Air Waybills for a particular flight need to be confirmed for loading in the booking list for load advice purposes.

  1. Navigate to the Flight Export tab in the Booking screen. You can use any of the following options.
    • Navigate to the Booking screen by clicking Main > Booking, then click the tab, Flight Export.
    • Click the Flight Export shortcut button in the Main Menu screen.
  2. In the Flight Export tab, query the flight where you want to build the booking list then click Load Advice.
    You are navigated to a new tab, Load Flight # Flight Date. All AWBs booked for that particular flight are listed on the main table.

  3. Load the AWBs to the flight. You can load the AWBs using any of the following methods.
    • Load a single AWB by double-clicking its row.
    • Select multiple rows by using CTRL + Click or Shift + Click. Right-click on any highlighted row and select Add.
    The new status of the AWB in the New column is set to FBL.
  4. Click Commit/Print.
  5. In the confirmation window, click OK.
The Send Message window displays. The first address row is automatically populated based on the indicated address of the carrier and station combination in the Carrier settings screen. You can manually input up to three more addresses in the remaining rows, then click OK. The system generates and sends the FBL message to the indicated addresses.
You are navigated back to the Flight Export tab. The flight record is updated and now displays loaded shipments in the Manifest Row.