What is the Booking Type?

The booking type of the shipment indicates the state and status of the air waybill. The booking Type field can be accessed in the Booking tab of the Booking screen.

Table 1. Booking Types
Booking Type Description
Revenue This type of booking is used by revenue cargo shipments.
Service This type of booking is used by non-revenue service shipments.
Void This type of booking cancels the shipment and voids the air waybill.
No Inv. This type of booking is used when an air waybill needs to be excluded from invoicing.
Prepared This type of booking is similar to the Revenue type but also excludes the AWB from invoicing.
Credit This type of booking is used for credit records.
Debit This type of booking is used for debit records. The Debit type charges additional amounts after the issuance of the invoice.
Book CN This type of booking cancels the shipment and allows the AWB to be reused.
Note: Only users with appropriate duty codes can cancel bookings.
Postal This type of booking is used for mail shipments.