Flight Booking List

The Flight Booking List contains all the shipments booked on a particular flight. This list needs to be reviewed and finalized before your flight departs.

You can manage the Flight Booking List in Cargospot using either of the following tabs on the Booking screen:
  • Flight Export tab - The Load Advice button on the Flight Export tab provides the main facility for creating the Flight Booking List. When clicked, Cargospot launches a child tab on the Flight Export tab labeled, Load Flight # Flight Date depending on the currently active flight record on the Flight Export tab. Upon completion of the booking list, you need to click Commit/Print to save your work. Committing the Flight Booking List automatically triggers a process where the FBL message is sent to the defined recipient.
  • Booking List tab - The Booking List tab of the Booking screen provides a facility to manage the flight bookings without having to generate the load advice immediately.

Once the FBL is created, the Status of that particular flight is changed to FBL. The FBL message can then be viewed or printed.

Figure: Flight Leg table of Flight Export tab

  • To view the FBL message:

    In the Flight Export tab, highlight the flight on the Flight Leg table then click Show Messages.

  • To print the FBL:

    In the Flight Export tab, click Prints > Booking List. You can either generate a file of the FBL in PDF format by clicking OK or in spreadsheet format by clicking Excel. The generated file can then be printed or sent to intended recipients using email.