Updating Station AWB Stock

When updating Station AWB stock, the following fields of the Station Stock tab are editable:
  • Serial To - increases or decreases the number of AWBs in the range
  • Issue Date - changes the issue date
  • Min Records - changes the minimum stock level that triggers the email notification for stock alert
  • Contact - updates the contact details used in stock alerts
  • Terminated - when selected, the record is terminated. Any unused AWBs contained in the range are no longer available for use when the record has been terminated.
  • Remark - updates remarks details used in stock alerts
  • Old Stock - flags the AWB range as 'OLD'. This enables the AWB range to be reused and still retain the original AWB records within the system. When selected, the AWB range and all used AWBs within the range at Station and Agent level are flagged as old. AWBs flagged as old are no longer included in AWB stock processes.
  1. Navigate to the Stock screen. Click Master Data > AWB Stock.
  2. In the Stock screen, click Station Stock tab.
  3. In the Station Stock tab, query the stock range you want to update then click Edit F2.
    When using the Query Serial field, ensure that the Prefix is entered.
  4. Modify the details of the stock range as needed.
  5. Click OK.