Priority Order and Setup

Once the codes have been set up in the master code list they can be used in the creation of Priority Records in the Carrier Priority tab of Master Data > Carriers.

The priority records in the Carrier Priority tab of Master Data > Carriers define the priority order of the priority codes and when the priority code is applicable to a shipment.

When setting up Priority Records, it is important to consider how you want the priority to be applied. There is a strict hierarchy of how priority codes will be matched to booking records based on the highest possible applicable code.
Table 1. Priority Record Header Fields
Field Description
Priority The priority record number. Any number from 1-98 with 1 being the highest priority.
Carrier This field defaults to the currently selected carrier from the Carrier tab.
Priority Code Select the priority code from the drop-down list. The same code can be used in more than one Priority Record as long as the characteristics are different.
Default Select Default to set the priority record to apply when no other priority record applies to a booking. Only one Default record can exist per carrier which will always be Priority #99.

Any of the following seven options may be combined to make very specific Priority records.

For example, creating a Priority record that will apply for bookings made by one forwarder containing a particular SHC and also linked to a Product Code is possible.

It is recommended that users define how they intend to set up and apply Priority records before creating the records. New records can be added at any time, however, the numbering hierarchy of Priority records means that insertion of a new record between existing records will only be possible if the Record number has not already been used. Records may be amended or deleted at any time by users with update rights to the Carrier screen.


Use the SHC/SHC Group to create the priority record to be applied if the booking if it has any of the Special Handling Code (SHC) or SHC Groups entered. Up to five different SHCs or SHC groups can be entered in a single priority record.

My Type Irregularity

You can use the existing Irregularity codes in the system or create new Irregularity codes for use with Priority Records. New Irregularity codes need to be defined with a My Type Irregularity name or checked as Affecting FAB. Existing Irregularity codes already defined can still be used.

If an Irregularity containing the specified My Type Irreg code is added to an AWB record at any time, the booking qualifies for the priority level specified and the Priority Code is added to the booking.

My Type Irreg codes and the Affecting FAB option can be used in conjunction with one another or standalone.


Select the Allotments check box to create a default priority record for allotments. You can then use this Priority Code in the Allotment record, so that all bookings made with that Allotment receive the specified priority code.

Once the Priority code is present, then any booking made on that allotment is automatically assigned the same priority code.

Any existing bookings from the allotment are only updated with the new priority code at the next Edit action.

The same Priority code can be added into multiple allotments for multiple forwarders.

For example, allotments for the top ten forwarders can be created with the same single Priority code and a different (lower) code can be used for allotments belonging to other forwarders (or stations).


Select the Forwarder check box to create a default priority record for specific forwarders. You can then use this Priority Code in the Forwarder record.

Once the Priority code is present, then any booking made for that Forwarder is automatically assigned the same priority code.

Any existing bookings of that forwarder are only updated with the new priority code at the next Edit action.

The same Priority code can be added into multiple forwarder records so all shipments from these forwarders are assigned the same priority code by default.

AWB Type

Use this field to set a priority for specific AWB Type.

Product Code

Use this field to set a priority for specific Product Code.

Product Codes are carrier-specific, so only those belonging to the same Carrier code in the priority Record header can be selected and used.