Irregularities: My Type and Flown as Booked

Irregularity based Priority records can be set up based on the number of Flown as Booked (FAB) irregularities affecting a shipment AND/OR Irregularities defined as My Type. Whether the system applies the AND or the OR rule is configurable in the program.ini.

By default, a priority record with values entered in My Type Irreg and No Of FAB Irregularities is only assigned to a booking record if both values are met by the booking.

It is possible to configure the system to apply the OR logic to the fields, requiring that only one value to be met for the priority to be assigned to the booking. If you create priority records with just one of either My Type or FAB in each record, then the additional configuration is not needed.

This configuration is controlled by [awb] MyTypeorFABforPriority. For more information, please contact your system administrator.