Priority Codes

Priority codes need to be set up in the AutoPriorityCode table in Master Data > Others > View Master Codes by users with the duty code MASTER_CODES_. The Data Table screen provides an advanced functionality that allows users to view and edit column names or entries in the master codes table. Once the codes have been set up in the master code list they can be used in the creation of Priority Records.

Codes can be one or two characters either alpha or numeric or a mix of both.

Possible Priority Code Combinations

  • alpha-numeric for example, A1
  • numeric-alpha for example, 1A
  • alpha-alpha for example, AA
  • numeric-numeric for example, 11
  • alpha-only for example, A
  • numeric-only for example, 1
Important: The Freight Booked List (FBL) message only supports one character for the priority code.