About Handling & Trucking Costs: Handling Tab

Information regarding standard handling costs are entered in the Handling tab of the Handling &Trucking Costs screen.

Table 1. Handling Tab Details
Field Description
Sequence The unique sequence number of the handling cost record.
For Carrier The two or three-letter IATA carrier code applicable to the handling cost record. For example, UA.
Airport The airport code applicable to the handling cost record. For example, LAX.
Cost Type The type of handling cost. Select a handling cost type from the drop-down menu. It can be any of the following:
  • Export
  • Import
  • Transfer
  • Both export/transfer
  • Auxiliary
Flight Type (Optional) Optional field to differentiate costs for the following:
  • Flight
  • Truck
  • Passenger
  • Freighter
ULD or Bulk (Optional) Optional field to differentiate costs between a ULD or a BULK cargo.
SHC The Special Handling Code or SHC that differentiates costs according to the type of cargo. You can retrieve available codes from the database. Clicking navigates you to the Search Special Handling Codes (SHC) screen.
SHC List  
Effective Date The effectivity date of the handling cost record.
Termination Date The termination date of the handling cost record.
Currency The three-letter ISO currency code applicable to the handling cost record. For example, EUR. You can retrieve available codes from the database. Clicking navigates you to the Search Currencies Codes screen.
Minimum Optional field that defines the minimum charge of the handling cost record.
Maximum Optional field that defines the maximum charge of the handling cost record.
Formula (KG) The applicable rate per unit of weight or a formula if several weight breaks are included.
Weight Type The handling cost can be done according to Gross Weight or Flight Weight. Select the appropriate weight type for the handling cost from the drop-down menu.
Cost ID The internal cost identifier or ID.
Is Add-On When the Is Add-On check box is selected, the handling cost is applicable to basic costs.