About Booking: Availability Tab

The Availability tab of the Booking screen provides a list of available flights for the shipment.

When a flight is selected on the Availability table, the allotment table to the right displays the available allotments for the highlighted flight. While a flight is highlighted, selecting the Show/Refresh Shipments check box displays the shipments booked for that flight on the shipment table at the bottom of the screen. Double-clicking an AWB row on the shipment table navigates you to the Current Booking tab with that AWB already opened.

You can switch to the Availability tab when creating a booking either from the Booking tab or the Current Booking tab to select for an available flight. After selecting the desired flight on the Availability table, you can use the Booking or Current Booking buttons to navigate back to Booking tab or the Current Booking tab with the flight details automatically populated.
Table 1. Availability Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Origin The airport of departure. Enter the three-letter IATA airport code. For example, LHR.
Dest The airport of arrival. Enter the three-letter IATA airport code. For example, JFK.
Flight Flight is composed of three fields where: flight prefix + flight number + flight date
Time Select the time of departure. When left blank, the system applies the current time during the search.
Show Flights After entering the desired fields, click Show Flights to display the direct flights on the Availability table.
Connections If there are no direct flights for the booking, you can click the Connections button to display all possible flight connections.
Booking Clicking the Booking button navigates you back to the Booking tab.
Current Booking Clicking the Current Booking button navigates you back to the Current Booking tab.
Show/Refresh Shipments Clicking Show/Refresh Shipments displays the shipments booked for the highlighted flight on the shipment table at the bottom of the screen.
My Origin  
Refresh Availabilities  