Generating a Rate Sheet

You can generate a list of price records from the Print tab of the pricing screen.

  1. Query the price records you want to print.
    The price records are displayed in the Record List pane.
    Note: All the listed records in the Record List pane will be printed in the Rate Sheet. If you want to remove a record from the Record List, select the record, right-click and select Remove from list (Shift+Del) from the menu. You can also press Shift + Delete to remove the record from the current list.
  2. Click the Print tab.
  3. Generate the sell price rate sheet.
    • Click Print Current Query to generate all price records retrieved from the system.
    • Click Print Displayed Prices to generate the price records displayed in the Record List.
  4. In the Rate Sheet pop-up window, generate the rate sheet either in PDF or spreadsheet format.
    • Click OK to generate the rate sheet in PDF format. The rate sheet in PDF format is opened in a browser window.
    • Click Excel to generate the rate sheet in spreadsheet format. The rate sheet in XLS format is opened in Microsoft Excel.